How to rename the WordPress wp-admin folder to New Name like sitehandler
step1. Install first wordpress with proper database name and login. you can login in admin area using
you can change wp-admin name to other any name like sitehandler
step2. Open wordpress or site folder and select only all php files and open in dreamweaver after this open find and replace dialoge(ctrl+f) type in find wp-admin and in replace type sitehandler(or other name as you wish) select find in open documents(changes only opened document) and click on replace all after this save all document in file menu and press ctrl+shift+w
step3. open wp-includes folder and select only all Php files and find and replace wp-admin with sitehandler
you can change wp-admin name to other any name like sitehandler
step2. Open wordpress or site folder and select only all php files and open in dreamweaver after this open find and replace dialoge(ctrl+f) type in find wp-admin and in replace type sitehandler(or other name as you wish) select find in open documents(changes only opened document) and click on replace all after this save all document in file menu and press ctrl+shift+w
step3. open wp-includes folder and select only all Php files and find and replace wp-admin with sitehandler
and save all files and close all files using ctrl+shift+w.
step4. open wp-includes/css , wp-includes/js, wp-includes/pomo, wp-includes/Text, wp-includes/theme-compat all php files and find and replace wp-admin with sitehandler
and save all files and close all files using ctrl+shift+w.
step5. open all files of wp-content folder and find and replace wp-admin with sitehandler and save all files and close all files using ctrl+shift+w.
step6. open all files of wp-admin folder and select and open all php files find and replace wp-admin with sitehandler and save all files and close all files using ctrl+shift+w.
step7. open all folders(css, includes, js, maint, network, user) of wp-admin and open all php files find and replace wp-admin with sitehandler and save all files and close all files using ctrl+shift+w.
step8. rename wp-admin/css css files naming wp-admin.css-->sitehandler.css, -->, wp-admin-rtl.css-->sitehandler-rtl.css,>
step9. change wp-admin folder name to sitehandler
step10. change file name class-wp-admin-bar.php to class-sitehandler-bar.php in wp-includes folder.