Thursday, January 23, 2014

Add More fields to a form using jquery/javascript in PHP

How can I make a form in php that allows the user to add additional form fields if they need them | Allow to add more fields to form | Inserting multiple form fields with same name | Dynamically Add Input Fields And Submit To Database With jQuery and PHP and fetch values of these fields on updation | Add more input fields to PHP form | Step by step example of add more same fields in PHP

Add More same fields to a form using jquery/javascript in PHP and insert into mysql database and fetch data when update form


Step 1

Add min js in your header or proper location before using javascript code like:-
jquery-1.9.1.min.js OR higher

Step 2

write javascript/jquery code for add fields when click on plus(+) button and remove fields when click on Minus(-) button

Step 3

Add one row of fields between form. You can add more fields according to you

// query for fetch record on update time
$sql_desc="select po_item,po_qty ,po_rate ,po_vat ,po_cst,po_s_tax,po_total from "._DB_PREFIX."po_desc where po_id='$id'";
//end query for fetch record on update time

// query for fetch VAT amount and description for different goods/item
$sql_vat="select tax_amount,description from "._DB_PREFIX."tax where tax_type='VAT' and status='1'";

// end query for fetch VAT amount and description for different

// query for fetch CST amount and description for different goods/item
$sql_cst="select tax_amount,description from "._DB_PREFIX."tax where tax_type='CST' and status='1'";

// end
query for fetch CST amount and description for different

// query for fetch service tax amount and description for different goods/item
$sql_ser_tax="select tax_amount,description from "._DB_PREFIX."tax where tax_type='Service Tax' and status='1'";

// end
query for fetch Service Tax amount and description for different


$sql_vat="select tax_amount,description from "._DB_PREFIX."tax where tax_type='VAT' and status='1'";

$sql_cst="select tax_amount,description from "._DB_PREFIX."tax where tax_type='CST' and status='1'";

$sql_ser_tax="select tax_amount,description from "._DB_PREFIX."tax where tax_type='Service Tax' and status='1'";

//dynamically draw VAT option in dropdown
//echo 'gvhfg';

$vatOption1 .= "";
// end dynamically draw VAT option in dropdown

//dynamically draw CST option in dropdown



$cstOption1 .= "";

// End dynamically draw CST option in dropdown

//Dynamically draw service tax option in dropdown


$ser_taxOption1 .= "";
//End dynamically draw service tax option in dropdown list
//for update records

if($id!=''){ ?> <br /> <br /> <label for="p_scnts"><input class="input-type-js input-type2" id="txt_desc_<?php echo $l;?>" name="txt_desc[]" placeholder="Description" size="20" style="width: 145px;" type="text" value="<?php echo $row1['po_item'];?>" /></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><input class="input-type-js input-type" id="txt_qty_<?php echo $l;?>" name="txt_qty[]" onkeypress="return isNumber(event)" placeholder="Qty" style="width: 29px;" type="text" value="<?php echo $row1['po_qty'];?>" /></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><input class="input-type-js input-type" id="txt_rate_<?php echo $l;?>" name="txt_rate[]" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(this.value);" placeholder="Rate" style="size: 8px;" type="text" value="<?php echo $row1['po_rate'];?>" /></label><br /> <br /> <label for="p_scnts"><select class="input-type-js input-type" id="sel_vat_<?php echo $l;?>" name="sel_vat[]"><option value="0.00">VAT</option> echo $vatOption1;?> </select></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><select class="input-type-js input-type" id="sel_cst_<?php echo $l;?>" name="sel_cst[]"><option value="0.00">CST</option> </select></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><select class="input-type-js input-type" id="sel_service_tax_<?php echo $l;?>" name="sel_service_tax[]"><option value="0.00">Service Tax</option> </select></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><input class="input-type-net input-type" id="txt_total_<?php echo $l;?>" name="txt_total[]" placeholder="Total" readonly="readonly" size="8" type="text" value="<?php echo $row1['po_total'];?>" /></label><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> }
///end update records
{ ?>  //for add new fields
<br /> <label for="p_scnts"><input class="input-type-js input-type2" id="txt_desc_0" name="txt_desc[]" placeholder="Description" size="20" style="width: 145px;" type="text" value="" /></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><input class="input-type-js input-type" id="txt_qty_0" name="txt_qty[]" onkeypress="return isNumber(event)" placeholder="Qty" style="width: 29px;" type="text" value="" /></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><input class="input-type-js input-type" id="txt_rate_0" name="txt_rate[]" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(this.value);" placeholder="Rate" style="size: 8px;" type="text" value="" /></label><br /> <br /> <label for="p_scnts"><select class="input-type-js input-type" id="sel_vat_0" name="sel_vat[]" value=""><option value="">VAT</option> </select></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><select class="input-type-js input-type" id="sel_cst_0" name="sel_cst[]" value=""><option value="">CST</option> </select></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><select class="input-type-js input-type" id="sel_service_tax_0" name="sel_service_tax[]" value=""><option value="">Service Tax</option> </select></label><br /> <label for="p_scnts"><input class="input-type-net input-type" id="txt_total_0" name="txt_total[]" placeholder="Total" readonly="readonly" size="8" type="text" value="" /></label><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Validate required field in php or server side validation in php if javascript failed by client side

//add this function on function.php or other give other file name you are including on php page

function checkRequiredPost($requiredField) {
    $numRequired = count($requiredField);
    $keys        = array_keys($_POST);
    $allFieldExist  = true;
    foreach($requiredField as $reqr)
    return $allFieldExist;

// use below code before insert/update  query

$required=array('txt_name','txt_password'); // add fields name you want to mandatory them like name,password etc.

if(isset($_POST['submit']) && checkRequiredPost($required))

 ////type your code or insert/update query
